Vaccine Selfies - A Rant

Vaccine Selfies - A Rant



This pissed me off.

Granted, it could be a commentary on our culture of oversharing everything online - something I’m certainly guilty of - but I’ve seen it reposted by anti-vaxxers.

The same idiots who constantly post misinformation about the healing capacity of elderberry syrup or how a diet of bananas and air is not only healthy but morally superior.

Over half a million people have died due to COVID.

That’s over half a million mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and best friends who will never come home and yet, people are still jarringly arrogant regarding both mask-wearing and vaccinations.

“I’ve done the research” - No, dipfuck. You haven’t. You’ve watched a series of YouTube videos catered to your own confirmation bias due to algorithmic editing.

Being vaccinated is a public service and one we should be proud to perform.

And yeah, I can get the vaccine and not post about it, but you know what?

I want to see people’s vaccine selfies. I want to read their tweets and posts and see their stories.

I like seeing that people care, listen to scientists and are vested in public health.

So, if you haven’t already - get the COVID vaccine.

If you’re unsure where to go, check out VaccineFinder and type in your zip code.

Good luck!

In this house, we vaccinate. As evidenced by the fact that I literally chose my child’s pediatrician based on their strict adherence to CDC approved vaccination guidelines and the fact that I’ve been rocking a smallpox vaccination scar for almost my…

In this house, we vaccinate.

As evidenced by the fact that I literally chose my child’s pediatrician based on their strict adherence to CDC approved vaccination guidelines and the fact that I’ve been rocking a smallpox vaccination scar for almost my whole life.

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