Here's Lookin' At You, Kid - Gaslight Anthem
First ultrasound today!
Because I'm only seven weeks pregnant, they said they were going to use a wand for the ultrasound.
I once won $100 answering Harry Potter trivia. I know what a wand is - it's a long pointy thing made from vine wood with a dragon heartstring core used to conjure patronuses.
But wait.
We're talking about women's healthcare which means a wand is actually a goddamn Louisville Slugger covered in lube.
All said and done, this wasn’t the worst thing in the world (that honor goes to the endometrial biopsy I had a few years back) but it definitely cemented my belief that if a man is ever going to make policy decisions about women's healthcare - he should be made intimately familiar with the wanding process or just shut the hell up forever.
I found out that I have fibroids, that my left ovary likes to hide behind my intestines and then, we saw it.
Hey kiddo - it's Mom.
Daddy and I saw your heartbeat today - 135 beats a minute like a teeny hummingbird.
The quickest little flicker....which made me think of, "My Friend Flicka" which made me think of my favorite movie, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Barely seven weeks old and you've already got great taste in movies.
We're going to watch a lot of movies together - at the theater and cuddled up on the couch with the dogs and homemade cinnamon-sugar popcorn. Daddy's a big Star Wars fan and Mommy loves Indiana Jones, so your formative years are gonna be filled with lots of Harrison Ford movies just like ours were.
Both Indy and Han are smart, clever and try to do the right thing - I hope you'll take a lot from that.
You'll be pleased to know that Mommy didn't start sobbing uncontrollably when she first saw you. It was more of a hushed awe - that's you, little bird.
Flickering away inside of me - a teeny firefly.
You know, I've never really believed in miracles but buddy, I believe in you.
Daddy and I are going to take such good care of you.
See you soon.
We love you xx