Thirty-Six - The Year I Finally Become An Adult.

Thirty-Six - The Year I Finally Become An Adult.

My birthday is on Monday. I’m going to be 36 and unlike years past, I’m feeling kinda meh about it.

I’ve always loved celebrating my birthday and this year is a definite departure from the past.

Orlando 2013. Yeah - it gets real blurry after a couple of drinks.

Orlando 2013. Yeah - it gets real blurry after a couple of drinks.

I got so drunk on my 30th birthday, I wasn’t allowed into a club in Downtown Orlando. Do you know how drunk a girl has to be to not be allowed into a club in Orlando? In my defense, I had just moved back home, I was going through a divorce and I went to college in Orlando and made the false assumption that I could still drink like an undergrad.

I was wrong.


My 33rd birthday which was the first birthday I celebrated as an American citizen. We all wore red, white and blue, ate burgers and I danced my ass off to Tom Petty’s American Girl.

It was pretty great and yes, that is an American Flag Tiara that I specially ordered for the occasion from a Texan website that caters to beauty queens.

What? It took me over 20 years to become an American citizen and I’ll be damned if I wasn’t going to celebrate it right.


My 35th birthday featured some magical Irish sprite who appeared out of nowhere and just gave people whiskey shots. For free. In retrospect, this might have been the rep for some whiskey company and not a mythical being, but why let the truth get in the way of a good story, right?

With the wedding and work and life in general, I’ve got too much going on so this year so thirty six will be a subdued affair - a quick drink on a Sunday night with good friends and we’re all home by 10:00pm.

Welcome to adulthood.

The very next day, I have my annual with my gynecologist.

The day after that, I have to do bloodwork and get x-rays for rheumatoid arthritis.

Why, yes. I am old enough to remember when connecting to the internet made screeching-bonging noises and yes, I would like to know what those kids are doing outside.


Next year will be my first birthday married to John and I fully plan on celebrating with gusto - a backyard taco fiesta with margaritas, a hot sauce bar and great music. Kinda like the Ugly Delicious episode about tacos.

But with one very important addition:

Our Little Lives Are Rounded With Sleep

Our Little Lives Are Rounded With Sleep

The Notebook. No. Not the Ryan Gosling one.

The Notebook. No. Not the Ryan Gosling one.