Happy Halloween 2019

Happy Halloween 2019

I read this article which said there’s been a heightened interest in witchcraft ever since the 2016 election. Which makes sense because when the people in charge are misogynists intent on marginalizing you, you want to hold on to your power.

And witches are powerful women.

This Halloween, I dressed up like a witch three times - for a Halloween party, for an all staff meeting at work and last night when we handed out candy to all of the trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood.

And I have never been happier.

We spent the night together - handing out candy, cuddling on the couch eating homemade kettle corn and drinking Cava while watching It Chapter 2.

Indiana barked his damn head off at every single kid, Roxy nuzzled up with them and everyone walked away with fistfuls of fun-sized Kit Kats and Almond Joys.


It felt like home in the best sense possible and next year, when our lives aren’t so chaotic, I really want to lean into the spooky spirit - decorating our yard and sitting out on the front porch with a cooler filled with cava and dry ice.

Signs referencing The Sanderson sisters and a cinnamon broom leaned askew against the wall. Lights that look like sparkly little spiders and a giant moose of a dog wearing a lion’s mane and hopefully, just being cool for like, two seconds.

Spooky but not scary - no-one needs a goddamn axe murderer leaping out at them; the world is frightening enough.

The older I get, the more I appreciate Halloween. Probably because I’m older and less inclined to spend my night rubbing beer and vomit out of someone’s polyester costume.

(Although, if you need that - I got you. Come here. Stop crying. It’s OK. Let’s fix that mascara, shall we?)

Now, Halloween is a chance to do something that makes a kid happy, it’s a chance to celebrate feminism through witchcraft, a chance to watch scary movies and listen to spooky podcasts.

It’s a chance to celebrate joy and we need to do that in any way and as often as we can.

First Dance

First Dance

Text From This Morning: Dogs and Joy Edition

Text From This Morning: Dogs and Joy Edition