RIP Anthony Bourdain

RIP Anthony Bourdain

The world lost a good man. A passionate man. A poet, a traveler, a seeker of truth. A man who inspired me and countless others to travel, eat and explore.

People wonder how. How could someone do this? Someone with a life filled with travel and adventure? Someone rich and famous? Someone with people they loved? Someone with a daughter?

Depression and mental illness don't care and they don't discriminate.

Reach out to the people you love and tell them you love them. Talk to tell and make sure they know how much they matter.

And if you need someone to talk to? Reach out. People want to help. They want to share a meal and know what's happening with you.

There are so many people out there who want to help. It's OK to reach out to them and it's OK to get help.

In my line of work, I'm lucky to have the chance to talk to some really interesting people. A few years ago, I interviewed a former client who said he made the decision to kick his opioid addiction because he didn't want to die before the new Star Wars and Deadpool came out.

I loved that. And I love the thought of this guy nestled in the icy cold, popcorn-scented darkness getting goosebumps when he heard the first notes of John Williams' iconic score. Knowing that he made it.

There is always a fucking reason to hold on. And when you have one reason, you have another and another and another. Find those reasons. Elevate them.

Let's strive to be kinder and honor the legacy of a man who built bridges between cultures and encouraged us to nourish ourselves and each other.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

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