Finding The Joy Every Morning

Finding The Joy Every Morning

My weekday mornings start early. 

Like, 5:30am early. 

I'm not a farmer, but I am a functioning adult with two dogs that need to be fed, walked and lavished with attention as well as plants need to be watered, hair that desperately needs to be straightened and mascara that needs to be shellacked on in as many coats as humanly possible.

Despite being tired (as a result of both being human and having an autoimmune disorder which makes me fatigued literally all the time), I love my mornings. 

A few hours ago, I was barefoot in the yard with Indy - coffee in hand (Califia Farms Mocha Cold Brew with Almond Milk + homemade cold brew is basically the greatest beverage in the world), soft and fading brewery t-shirt on my back and the scent of wet earth and jasmine rising through the air - and I took a moment to stop and reflect. 

Right now, I am happy. My jalapeños are coming in, Roxy has been playing more with Indy, I get to spend the weekend with my sister and tomorrow, there will be queso and blonder hair. 

As he typically is, Kurt Vonnegut was right:


Today is going to be a long day and I've got a lot going on but right now? This moment? 

This is good. 

Sunrise. West Palm Beach. 

Sunrise. West Palm Beach. 

Shit I've Learned At 35

Shit I've Learned At 35

SunFest - Days 2-4

SunFest - Days 2-4